Christa Lei is an intuitive astrologer & death worker who combines the mystical, practical, and playful to create and nurture accessible spaces for healing and transformation.


Join the Saturn Return Group

Every 27-32 years, the planet Saturn returns to the exact place it was when you were born. Well known for the restrictions, boundaries and lessons it teaches people, the first Saturn Return tends to be a challenging time for people. For those with a Saturn in Aquarius placement, the Saturn Return Support Group provides a tight-knit community over Discord, with more formal quarterly meetings for peer guidance and support.


Client transformations


Meet Christa

Christa is a fat, queer Filipinx feminist living in Brooklyn, by way of many other places. Born to immigrant parents on Native Hawaiian soil, they often consider themselves a third-culture kid. By day, they work in healthcare research, where their interests piqued at exploring the integration of mind, body and spiritual health.

Through caring for underserved, vulnerable populations, their mission includes reducing systemic racism and disparities within society, as well as animal welfare and rescue. To this end, Christa takes their work as a self-taught student of both traditional and modern Astrology and grounds it in their radical mission to serve those who are searching for guidance through the cosmos. They have been studying astrology for over a decade, but took their studies more seriously with teachers such as Annabel Gat, Amelia Quint, Samuel Reynolds and Chris Brennan over the last five years, and started consultations with clients in the summer of 2020. Their curiousity to provide space for likeminded peers fuels their studies as they integrate their astrological knowledge with other modalities such as tarot, Reiki, hyponosis and their psychic intuition and mediumship.